Monday, July 27, 2015

Chelsea - July 27, 2015

Sister Mariano and me

Heyyyyy...Okay so this week has been a busy week! We have so many people to teach, it's crazy! We also commited 5 people to baptism this week and four came to church! Sister Mariano and I almost cried when we saw all of them. One of them is a 9 year old boy named CJ and he is the cutest! The other one is Joy and she has two kids and her husband is less active. She has totally given up coffee too which has been a miracle! We also have a family of 6 preparing for baptism! The situation is really sad though! So the family lives in Maria Clara-my favorite area to teach in! This family has next to nothing. They can barely afford to come to church because they have to take a tricy. But they are such a great family! They said that they love the church's concept on families and they know that the gospel will bless their life. The only thing is that they aren't married!! Haha after Sister Mariano and I found that out we screamed to the heavens, why?!?!?!?! Haha. Marriage is really expensive for some people so this is gonna be hard. So it broke our hearts to tell them that they have to get married before they are baptized. I am praying to the Lord that it will all work out!!

So on Wednesday this week we got to go to Cauayan to get immunizations. And I saw Sister Turley! It was so great to see her!! I felt like it had been forever! I also got to see Sister Peart and Sister Baker which was really good! So I found a favorite food in the Philippines! For FHE last Monday, we went over to the Gonzales and they made this fried milk fish. It was amazing.. oh man, mom you would love it. Oh but also, they made me try avocado and it was nasty!!! 

So we had dinner at the Busania's again and she wanted me to play the piano and sing. So she pulled out her sheet music for lds arrangements and we played the piano and sang. It was so fun!! She also has a beautiful voice! Definitely my most favorite person in the ward. She is such a sweetheart! Oh and mom, she said she is going to try to friend you on facebook haha. 

So we had such a huge rainstorm this week! It was pretty much like a typhoon. We had a brownout and then our water stopped working! It was the worst! Oh haha and also we forgot to shut all of our windows so the whole house was flooded. oh man hahah. 

Haha what's really funny is the karaoke that is here. So we will be walking somewhere random, and you will hear a karaoke machine and someone singing. and you can probably hear it from a 10 mile radius cause they  just blast it. Haha so we were in our apartment and you could just hear someone belting to karaoke and what's funny is that everyone is a horrible singer so I just laugh and laugh haha. 

So really funny, yet sad story. On Saturday morning, Sister Mariano was clipping her nails and one flew right in her eye and cut it. So we had to go to the hospital and get it checked out. The hospital was super sketchy! Like half of it was pitch black, and the room that we were in was filled with spiders,,, uhhhh gross. Anyway, her eye was super red and she couldn't even move it. So all of Saturday and Sunday she had to rest! Haha it was kinda nice, not gonna lie. I got a ton more study time! However, I felt super lazy haha. 

So definitely the language is still getting at me. Yesterday in church, I couldn't understand anything again! In fact, I felt like I could understand LESS! Haha. It's definitely irritating. Also, because I have to memorize the lessons-which takes a ton of time! And its frustrating, because I can't say what I want to say. uhhh dad, how did you teach at first?! Did you just memorize the lines in Japanese and then didn't know what you were saying when you taught it? 

Oh haha funny story. So we have a new investigator and she came to all three hours of church. We were talking to her during relief society and she was looking at the gospel principles book and was like I want to read this! And we were like, sure go ahead and take it! And she was like, Oh my gosh I love you! Haha then she was looking through it and she said, "How can I get baptized? When?" Haha we found the golden investigator! She was so happy when we told her that we can come and teach her. So that was funny! Sister Mariano and I were laughing after because she was just so enthusiastic!

Oh and mom I can find peanut butter here, the american kind! The filipino kind is nasty! Haha I literally live off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. They are the delicacy here. Haha literally the only thing they have from America is jiffy peanut butter. There is no campbell soup anywhere! But they do have this weird cup of noodle thing and it is pretty good. I also get apples and oranges and some mixed fruit thing. Oh and I can’t take pictures at the grocery store. You can only have your wallet with you. They take your bags before you go in. Kinda weird haha. 

So, about my companion's story. So she’s done with college and she’s a pharmacist. She didn't feel like she was doing anything with her life so she really prayed about it and felt like she should go on a mission. Oh and she went to college up in Baguio. She has been a member her whole life and the only member of her family who is less active is her sister. Her dad works in Saudi Arabia I think. So ya that’s about it from here!  Love you all!

Sister Dunn

The Manila Temple

Our sketch shower

Fried White Fish

The Philippines is so beautiful!

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