Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Holli - July 20, 2015

This week has been pretty good. We did a lot of knocking, trying to find some investigators and that was tough but we found a promising family. We walked up this one street called Mountain and seriously, you are climbing up a mountain, to find a referral but she wasn't home! So we knocked doors all the way down and that was fun. Thank goodness it was downhill. We stopped by a members house at the bottom
of this mountain and she is just the sweetest. She served a mission in Italy and made us laugh with all of her crazy stories!

We were doing lots of service this week and that was insane. A member was having her floors redone so we had to basically cram the contents of her entire house into one bathroom. That took some major packing skills. Our whole district ended up having to help so it was a district bonding moment for sure. After that we ate at KFC and I was
so excited but my poor companion told me "Never again!" - she doesn't eat much junk food.

We went to visit an investigator this week and her mother in law is a member but doesn't speak hardly any English. The investigator (Linda) wasn't there and we saw her mother in law (Ophelia) pulling weeds so we offered to help. She kept saying "No, no!" (She didn't want us to get our dresses dirty) but we persevered! She grew these gorgeous roses so she gave us a cute little bouquet afterwards and hugged and
kissed us - so sweet!

It has rained for 2 days straight here - weird! We biked the first day and got so soaked! (Sister Robinson has lots of pic.'s so we'll get them to you soon :). ) we also taught this guy named Jose who doesn't live in our boundaries - we are a bit concerned that he likes the Sisters more than the message - but he has lots of questions and knows
the Bible front and back so that's good. We are encouraging him to read the Book of Mormon. At the end of he lesson Jose asked if it was ok to hug us as a thank you. I told him no, but we could give him a meaningful fist bump :) that was cool.

All right, ready for the big news? So it was transfer calls this week and we didn't think Sister Robinson would be transferred because she has to finish my training. However, she is being transferred to Azusa which is about 20 minutes away and is going to be the Sister Training Leader over there! So she will be my STL and she is in my zone so I
should see her often. Lots of people in my zone are training... 
Including me!! Haha, kind of jk :) So my new companion will be . . .Sister Duncan!! She was my MTC companion!  So we both have been out six weeks! Holy cow we are going to die! I just barely learned how to ride a  bike and now I'll have to orient her around Claremont and Pomona! I'm just a teensy bit nervous. So technically we are finishing each other's training - this doesn't happen very often but it's kind of cool!

That's about all from here in Claremont. Thank you for your prayers - definitely appreciated and needed! We will be relying on the Lord to train us this week - He knows the area and the people much better than I do but I'm stoked to be with Sister Duncan again. President called Sister Robinson and I on Saturday to tell us and then Sister Duncan
called us later that night and thought Sister Robinson would be her companion until I told her I was. We both freaked out :) Love you all and hope you have a great week!!

Mom: I did get your package this week - thank you so much! 
The m&ms were life savers!! And so was the camera cord :)
I'll try it out today. Loved the pics of you and Christy - super 
awesome! Sounds like you had lots of fun :) Glad the funeral 
went ok and I'm sad Bro. And Sis. Davis are moving :( 
Glad that they're happy!

Dad: Thank you for all that you do for our family! Love you so much :) Glad I could make Grandpa laugh, though he did take me down to Simplot offices one day and I couldn't tell him which way was North and which way was South so not knowing what a graveyard shift is sounds like me.

Spencer: Dang you're having such a fun summer!! I hope EFY was good and you learned something :) Looks like you've been having tons of fun with the cousins! Thank you for the letter - I'm glad you got my letter! I was so worried someone had like stolen it or something! Love ya Spence, and have a great week!

Love you all so much! Thank you for the letters, prayers, pictures and support. Have an amazing week!

Sister Dunn

Alma Court...The Book of Mormon is true!

Happy 4th of July!

Got a little wet riding bikes today!

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