Monday, July 27, 2015

Lindsay - July 27, 2015

Me driving with Sister Mizell and Sister Moe-Tufaga

We drive on dirty and VERY bumpy roads a lot!!!

Hey Mom! I'm doing great! My new companion is amazing! Her name is Sister Moe-Tufaga and she is from Hawaii. She lives on the island Oahu. She worked at the Polynesian Cultural Center and she has 5 siblings. She is so cute!!! She is a positive, funny, and encouraging missionary! I love her already! Haha she literally makes me laugh! So I'm driving!!! Ahhhhhhh scary:) I have almost gotten killed like 5 times, but its ok! The Lord knows I'm an unaware driver, and he definitely has saved me from crashing into cars on the street!! :) haha! Sister Moe-Tufaga is also helping me with my parking skills, so yeah! I have a lot of improving to do:) 

This week was awesome, but of course it took a while to get used to the big adjustment. On Monday we had P-day. We played Sports as usual, and then Sister Mizell had her last lesson with the Ammons. We taught the Plan of Salvation. It was so good! They are so responsive to the lessons, and we have such good discussions! We invited them to church this Sunday, and they said they would come but, Brother Ammon has a busy work schedule, and was suddenly called in. But it's ok! It is the Lord's timetable not ours!! On Tuesday, of course it was transfer day, that was hectic! And Sister Moe-Tufaga and I got lost for a while, and finally got on the freeway towards our apartment! :) On Wednesday we had a Zone Council meeting. They have started this thing where they have Zone Council meetings before we break off into our district meetings. I think it is such a great idea because we get to bond and get to know our Zone better. Later that day, we tried a less active. She wasn't home, and Sister Moe-Tufaga turned to me and said, "How do you feel about knocking?" My stomach literally dropped, and I felt like puking. Sister Mizell and I hadn't done any of that so of course I was scared out of my mind! But I willingly agreed that we should go knocking. I am not kidding you, we contacted two people that were so open to our message of the Gospel. We gave one guy a Book of Mormon to read, and a pass along card with our number, and the other contact, we gave her a Restoration pamphlet!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh:) It was amazing! Confidence booster!!! So yeah! I truly believe that the Lord is aware of us, and he knows what we need to do. But it is our responsibility to be willing to follow Him, and not go against what he asks us to do!  On Thursday we had breakfast with one of the less actives we visit. She is the sweetest lady, and she makes her own dresses! Her fashion style is so cute! We then went to ASL (American Sign Language) class and practiced our signing. Sister Moe is really good at ASL so she is going to teach me more, so that I can actually contact a deaf person! We also taught the Ammons again. Except Sister Moe was with me! It was a great lesson, and it took a while because we taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But its ok! I just hope and pray that the Spirit has touched them in some way, and that they have the desire to learn for themselves the truthfulness of this gospel. Sister Moe-Tufaga was very dedicated at weekly planning. She really wanted to make sure that we knew everyone in the two wards. We made lists on LDS tools separating the Countryside and Tortolita wards, and putting them into categories like: actives, less actives, recent converts etc. It took a long time, but it was worth it!! On Saturday we were invited to a Stake Baptism. There was a family that invited us because they had invited a part member family to the baptism. So it was nice to get to know them, the ward, and to feel the Spirit as we witnessed the sacred ordinance of baptism. On Sunday, we went to Countryside Ward, and we were asked by the bishop at the end of the meeting to bear our testimonies!! Ahhh!! It was amazing! Sister Moe of course said "Aloha" at the beginning:) I seriously love her!! She is so sweet, and her testimony of this gospel is strong. I bore my testimony after her, and of course I cried. I said, "The gospel has blessed my life, and it has blessed my family's life". I had a realization of how much the gospel has blessed my life. I am truly happy being a missionary, and I love being a member of this wonderful gospel. It has truly kept me on the strait and narrow path. I hope all of you have a great week! Put the Lord first in your life, and you will be blessed, I promise you that. 

Thanks for your letter Daddy! Yes, I received the GPS thank goodness!! We got lost many times before it came, but its ok! I'm doing great! I truly feel like this transfer is going to be a good one! Sister Moe-Tufaga is very obedient, and she LOVES knocking doors (hahaha: shaky laugh). I get really nervous when I knock doors. Mainly because I'm scared of rejection, but its ok! By the end of this transfer, she will help me become confident in tracting!! So in the mornings I study a chapter of D&C, a chapter of the Book of Mormon, and I usually read Preach My Gospel, and study topics that we are going to be teaching investigators. I literally LOVE studying! It is my favorite, and when I get home from my mission, I will definitely keep the Sabbath day more holy by studying all day. I LOVE going to church for 9 hours!!! Does that sound weird?? We cover two wards: Countryside and Tortolita. There are amazing people in those two wards, I love them all already! And yes we meet with the ward council in both wards. The Tortolita bishopric is very missionary minded, and the Countryside ward fills up the meal calendar every night for their week! I am just so excited to work with all these dedicated priesthood leaders and other leaders who work hard in their callings, even though they have busy lives. It is so great how dedicated everyone is!! I miss you and I hope you have a great week! Love you to the moon and back!!!!

Sister Dunn

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