Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lindsay - July 20, 2015

Thank you so much for the letters!! I truly needed that counsel! :) so transfers.........  So my trainer Sister Mizell is being transferred!!!! She is going to Sierra Vista!  It's kind of confusing but yeah! So Sister Mizell isn't finishing my training and she is going to Sierra Vista. But I have been asked to drive and take over the area even though I have only been here for 6 weeks!! I am excited! But of course I'm scared out of my mind. When I got the call I literally felt like throwing up. Usually when a new missionary is left by her trainer, the new missionary is prepared to take over the area because the trainer goes home from their mission, so it rarely happens that someone isn't
prepared.... Which is me! So yeah! And Sister Mizell is taking her GPS so I have no idea where I'm going!!! Haha:) my goal is to be positive because I know that I can't do anything without the Lord. It is definitely going to be a challenge, but my new companion is from Hawaii, and everyone says she has a really positive attitude for missionary work so I'm thrilled to have her as a companion!  So I'm excited! So out of all the missionaries in my zone, 5 of them will be staying here. I'm soooooo sad about that! I will truly miss all of them. I'm not even kidding, Sister  Mizell and I had crying breakdowns in church the other day. Even though we have  had our rough patches, she and I have truly loved teaching and serving together. She has told me that she has never cried when a companion left her (or cried in general)  so I must have made an impact! I'm truly going to miss her!  

This week was great! I feel like this letter is going to be a novel so bare with me! :) 
So on Monday I told you last week we went on the hike! That was exhausting! Then on Tuesday, Sister Mizell and I participated in a Missionary work mutual activity. There were three groups of youth and they would rotate doing different stations. We taught a mini lesson on using the basics of Preach My Gospel. It was great, and we had a fun time discussing missionary work with the youth! On Wednesday we had a District meeting. We talked about helping our investigators feel the Spirit. I love district meetings because we all are united as missionaries and we discuss things and strengthen each other as we share our testimonies. Then after the meeting we had a Zone breakout meeting. This is when all of the missionaries that are leaving bare their testimony. It was very powerful and the Spirit was definitely there. Thursday was great! No one seems to be home on Thursdays but we visited 4 less actives!! It was a miracle!!! On Friday we visited a couple of people and then we did weekly planning! I love weekly planning because we focus on every individual we teach and what our goals are for them. On Saturday we had a mini missionary experience. In the West Stake, all those who are getting ready for missions or want to serve a mission go out with the Sisters or Elders and teach with us! I think that it is great to get the youth involved! We received a sister who had gotten her mission call already! She is so excited to go on a mission, and it was amazing to have her go with us and proselyte! She seems very enthusiastic about serving, which is great! 

On Sunday, we went to the Tortolita and Countryside wards. The speakers talked about pioneers and how we can be modern day pioneers. Then in Relief Society we talked about Temples. Sister Mizell and I taught the Restoration to one of our investigators Maryanne. She is so close to being baptized but she still hasn't gained a testimony of the priesthood authority. But it's ok! I truly believe that one day she will discover for herself that this is the true church!! In Sacrament meeting Sister Mizell and I were literally crying! We do not want to leave each other! I feel like I can teach very well with her, and we balance our lessons pretty well! I just hope that it will be like that with my new companion! Well that is my week! I love you all and I am so grateful for you and your examples! I hope you all have a great week!! 

Much love,
Sister Dunn

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